What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. When i try to connect to MP I get no heartbeats after timeout.

What is the expected output?
That I connect to MP. And i cant.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
APM Mega 2.5 w/ GPS, 3DR 433MHz Telemetry radio, MinimOSD1.1, Power module.
Software versions tested: MP version, 1.2.55, 1.2.76 and 1.2.99

Windows 8 pro(yes drivers are installed correctly)

Please provide any additional information below.
The APM system was working perfectly 2 days ago. And then I mean PERFECTLY.
Yesterday I was going to connect to my MP to do a new calibration of the compass, due to a bigger battery(4cell 5000mah Turnigy Nanotech) and new battery placement. Nothing was changed on the APM system, hardware'wizely.
Anyway. I could not connect to my MP using USB or wireless.

I have quadroople checked all settings regarding COM-port and Baud. both on MP and hardware manager. 115200 on USB and 57600.

The APM system lights up, gets gps lock, all flight modes work correctly when the system has battery power. It also lights up, gets gps lock when connected via USB.

My only issue is that I can not get connected to MP.

I know the wireless radio works. Because the light on the radio module connected to the Ardupilot is flashing, and when I connect the USB-radio module to my computer, the flashing stops. So somekind of communication is happening.

I also get connected when I press connect in terminal. But i can not get any commands to work.

I have tried:

- disabling and removing COMports not in use.
- Turned off bluetooth(and wifi)
- Uploading New Firmware to APM (Comunication error -No connection)
- Tried different versions of the MP software.
- Have tried 3 different computers, all with the three different versions of MP software.
- Looked over all the soldering. (Everything was pre-soldered)
- Scratching a big hole in my head..

What would be my next move?

All help is much appreciated!

-Jonas Johannesen (Norway)

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  • Is there Nobody who has any tips for me to reconnect with my ardupilot?

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