MP 1.1.73 and Arducopter 2.5.4 Unstable?...

Hi everyone,


I updated to MP 1.1.73 and Arducopter 2.5.4 this afternoon.  My copter is now flying a lot worse.  Immediatley wants to yaw left and right and is very jittery.  I thought I forgot to load the default para file for a 3DR quad so I went back and did this but still no change.


My copter flew perfect before the update.


Any direction would be appreciated.  How can I easily revert back to 2.5.3 if I've already updated the mission planner and Arcucopter code?


FYI- Flying 3DR quad stock 850 motors and 10" props.

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  • 3D Robotics

    They're not unstable, you just need to go through the config process and calibrate your compass again. You can revert to earlier code with Arduino, but 2.5.4 is flying great for most people so it's best to just do the calibration and get the benefit of the better code.

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