Hi everyone.
I recently assembled a new octo-copter(running 3.3.3) with a LIDAR.
In loiter mode, it can hold the height good.
But in auto mode(the Dalt is 8m), it will drop slowly, the LIDAR's result is almost 2m.
I wonder the pixhawk does not use the LIDAR' result for height at all.
Any ideas? Thanks!
That all looks reasonable. Copter-3.3.3 doesn't use the lidar during Auto mode so it's unlikely to be the Lidar that is the cause of the descent. I haven't looked at the logs in depth but I see a descent at the end when it's in RTL.
Copter-3.4 uses Lidar during mission (i.e. AUTO) but it's not official release yet... still in beta testing.
Hi Randy
I've just fly my Quad-rotor with 3.4RC1.
It will descent slowly, almost crash in AUTO mode.
I don't think the LIDAR is used in AUTO mode.
Any ideas? Thanks!
here is the tlog in the attach files.
2016-06-16 12-18-53.rar
I can't do much with tlogs I'm afraid. If you've got dataflash logs that would be much better. Let's do the support over here.
Hi Randy Thank you for your reply.
in Copter-3.4RC1, i can't change the PID parameters. why?
We've renamed some of the parameters. They start with ATC_ now. Best to use the beta mission planner. By the way, we're doing Copter-3.4 support here: http://discuss.ardupilot.org/c/arducopter/copter34
You said it!
I've downloaded the MP_1.3.38, and now I can change the PID parameters.
Awesome! You guys have done a great job!
And what's the relationship between EK2 and EKF?
My octa is now running 3.4RC1, in the parameters. should I need to change EK2_ALT_SOURCE to 1 in order to let pixhawk use LIDAR ?
and the default value of EKF_ENABLE is 0, should I need to change it to 1?
There isn't any parameter description at all.
No need to set the alt-source. Instructions to set-up the lidar are here (you've probably already seen them): http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-rangefinder-landingpage.html
EK2 is for the new EKF that is included with Copter-3.4.