Hi All,

I'm running a DFI-550 Flamewheel style hexacopter with a Pixhawk controller.  I have just started running missions by arming the unit, flippimg to Auto on the TX, then raising the throttle stilck to take off.  Works great!

Well the other day I started a misison just that way and as the hex took off I noticed it wobbling slightly with what sounded like "sputtering" power to the motors, not real huge.  It stopped that, rode to about 20 feet, the lady announced "Load Land" and it came down and landed.  Hmmmm, I wondered.

Next I unplugged the unit and power cycled it and it took off just fine, flew the mission, but about halfway through the lady said "Load return to Launch" and it came home and landed.

I am attaching the BIN log for that and I woyld like some assistance in diagnosing what went wrong. 

1. the "Load Land" came pretty early on so that should be easy to find in the log

2. the "Load Return to Launch" came later but was the only RTL in the mission which was followed by a "Load Auto" and takeoff.

It it no that intuitive on how to read the logs; if someone would please just take a peek and let me know how you filtered the logs or otherwise approached diagnosing that would go a long way towards getting self sufficient!@@

I also attached what I think is the correct tlog which would be the most recent by its time-stamped name.

Thanks a lot in advance...






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