Quadcopter nose dive on first flight

Hello everyone,

A couple of minutes ago I tried to fly my quadcopter for the first time. Unfortunately it ended in a nose dive before even taking off. Something I noticed was that when I raised my throttle by a tiny bit (from fully down position), the motors started to spin immediately and speeding up by itself (like it was stuck in a exponential thing), followed by the nose dive. I am using a Pixhawk flight controller. What did I do wrong? 

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  • Yes.. it is! I was super excited and then my quadcopter did a nose dive which resulted in trimmed off props! :(

    The weird thing is the exponential like rate at which the throttle increases, does this have something to do with the hover settings? I will redo the ESC and radio calibration one again, hopefully it will work this time. Maybe I am making a mistake. I will post a video of the procedure i take, so you can tell me if I'm doing it correct.

    Peter Arnold said:

    Sounds a frustrating start but I have been there!

    If your props started spinning immediately it could mean the ESC's need calibrating and it may play to redo the radio calibration again. For the nose dive check the motors are plugged into the PH in the correct order and spinning correctly. Redo the wizard setup is a good start. Good luck. 

  • I was trying to lift off in the "Stabilize" mode.

    I will check the direction and the wiring once again to verify it is correct.

    Do you have an explanation for the throttle speeding up?

    Paul Tegler said:

    what flight mode were you attempting to lift off in?

    usually a flip on take-offf attempt is due to your props/motors not spinning in the right direction.

    check the rotation, proper prop for that rotation and proper drive # for that motor axis



  • Sounds a frustrating start but I have been there!

    If your props started spinning immediately it could mean the ESC's need calibrating and it may play to redo the radio calibration again. For the nose dive check the motors are plugged into the PH in the correct order and spinning correctly. Redo the wizard setup is a good start. Good luck. 

  • what flight mode were you attempting to lift off in?

    usually a flip on take-offf attempt is due to your props/motors not spinning in the right direction.

    check the rotation, proper prop for that rotation and proper drive # for that motor axis



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