Hi Everyone:
The mission I want to plan is like the followings:
once I switch Auto on,
1. the arducopter will fly to the waypoint1 (33.420526,-111.9252348)
2. the arducopter will loiter at WP1 for 5 secs
3. after that the arducpter will fly to WP2 (3.4203918,-111.9255352)
4. once it reaches WP2, it will return to launch position.
attached is the screenshot of my mission planner
I know the waypoints may be too close but just for demonstration. The waypoints log file is:
#define WP_RADIUS 3 // What is the minimum distance to reach a waypoint?
#define LOITER_RADIUS 10 // How close to Loiter?
#define HOLD_CURRENT_ALT 0 // 1 = hold the current altitude, 0 = use the defined altitude to for RTL
#define ALT_TO_HOLD 0
float mission[][5] = {
Can any one take a look at it and tell if it will achieve my purpose?
Also, should I add a LOITER_UNLIM or LAND command after RTL so that it will loiter at home poision or land there? What would happen if I add nothing after RTL?
Thank you very much
If you add nothing after RTL, the copter will automatically go into loiter and stay loitering over home until you switch it to another mode.
About the mission I can also say that this is also how I would do it, but I haven't flown enough missions since the changes to command order to be sure it will work as expected.