TBS sinks at mid stick in Stabilize, fine in Loiter

My new TBS sinks at mid stick in Stabilize, fine in Loiter.

Problem is when I change between the two the quad sinks or rises pretty quick between the two.

Autotune is complete and went extremely well.

Would increasing one or more of the throttle PID be appropriate to fix this?

If so which one(s) would it be?


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  • Search the Ardupilot.com forum, I had a very similar problem.


    I set my midpoint to 550, problem gone.

  • You most likely need to set your THR_MID to match what your hover throttle in Stabilize is. No throttle PIDs should need adjusting.

    Do a flight in Stabilize Mode and hover it for a bit. Then look at your dataflash log for the flight. Specifically you want to see what the Throttle In (ThrIn) was during the time you were hovering. It's in the CTUN rows.Then you just set your THR_MID to that value. Easiest way is just go into "Config/Tuning" then "Basic PIDS" and set the "Throttle Hover" to your Throttle In value. That's it!

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