I changed APM for a Pixhawk (chinesse) and now, telemetry works with Tower but in OSD doesn't show values (current, gps, rssi, etc. All looks in 0, I check and re-check connections, I change rx and Tx wires in case, but nothing, any ideas what have wrong?
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another question : when you test your minimOSD display, do you connect and see simultaneously the telemetry on mission planner ?
Yes, I check today with config changes and now all works except the RSSI, shure, config too but I can't find information how to configure in Pikhawk yet. any idea?
I found that rssi reading was disable and I enable, and there is a 3.3 or 5 volt option; 5 volts is the correct for Pix ¿no? thank's
So all good now ?
I only have doubt if I have to choose 3.3 or 5 volts in RSSI volt in full params list and check; can you see how you have configured it? many thank's Hugues.
Solved too :D, only config, now It's suposse to work all, ......
only the weather for fly is not working :(
No, I followed this instructions http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-minim-osd-quick-installatio...
now, somethings are working, I still have not working the rssi and gps sats but I was indoor yesterday, I'm going to try outdoor today and report, ¿Can you share params that you are using? are up to date where I found? many thank's.
Just a shot in the dark but I can sum up what I remember of minimOSD issues:
-TX/RX cable between telem port of Pixhawk and MinimOSD : are they crossed ?
-you need two power sources for the two sides of MinimOSD : video side and Telem input side. Do you pwer correctly with stable sources ?
-your camera has a too high resolution, above the PAL standard (600 lines), that is not supported by MinimOSD. What is the resolution of your camera ?
-bad connections : are you sure you did not switch by error the Vin/Vout, Power, Gnd pins on the video side of MinimOSD ?
-bad cables : how do you cable from Pixhawk telem out to MinimOSD telem in ?
-bad pixhawk telemetry port configuration : are the rates (SR...) too high ? are the rates at zero ? do you use a telem port that is correctly enabled ?
Many thanks for your help Hugues, I'm lost now, I try connecting GC and nothing happens.
Some things to orient you:
This hardware with APM and 3.2.1 was working.
TX/RX are suppose well connected but I crossed in case, and nothing.
power, I hope is good because works with the apm (but not warantee if it's ideal)
Camera GLUP!! is 1024 NTSC, I ignored that limit but, perhaps it's different with NTSC because I have 700 lines in other vehicles and minim works well, but I can check with another one that I shure it's work with minim to discard that
bad connections: I removed the velcro and check but I change wires in Pix side in case, perhaps I can do the same minim side.
bad cables: perhaps bad solder, It's a possibility, I'm going to check them with the voltimeter.
bad Pix config: that's my strongest suspicion: pix is new for me, I thougth that only recive the Pix, change plugs and fly .....GLUPPP!!! I had to work a lot, re-wire all, change all position electronics, etc. but I'm happy, the copter is another person flying now :D
I didn't update the minim from 3.2.1 It's another possibility?
Bad telem Pix plug? If I change with the telem 1 port can check like that?
This the situation:
Telem report to GCS is correct.
Now I change some sr2 params and current reading gps and altitude appears, rssi is still not working, I'm going to check outside tomorrow, If I have soldering problems it suposse that or I have all data or nothing no?, no sense to disassemble the wires now.