Here's my update on the flight controller project i'm working on !!
Testing my custom built hardware on my Quadrone V 2.3 (quadcopter :P )
Currently running the Multiwii 2.1 software !!

sensors used - BMP 180 (barometer) , MPU6050
processing platform - Arduino Mega 2560

Waiting for new sensors ( gps and compass ) !! 

once i get new sensors i am planning to customize the hardware to run the Megapirate firmware.

Then ultimately try to run the Arducopter firmware on the flight controller with sensors of your choice

All your suggestions and advises are highly appreciated and thanks for your support :)3691140168?profile=original

Neater circuitry and wiring coming soon xD 3691140213?profile=original

Stay tuned for updates !!

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