Uploading a param file

being a bit new to working with my Quad and updating my APM 1 board i am lost as how to update it it with a "param" file. I have assembled y new Quad frame that i purchased from Diy Drones and they have a param file that has been used with this Quad.

I would like to update my board using it but am lost as to how to do it is there any instructions on how to do it?

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  • Thanks to everyone for the help i have the Quad up and running ! I ended up finding Mission Planner 1.2.15 that i had a copy of and used it to load the Quad and the Parameter file to the Quad. So right now i have a Quad that can be flown i plan to fly it a bit and than think about upgrading the autopilot to a newer version that might make it a bit more capable. I have the  ArduPilot Mega 1 IMU Shield/OilPan Rev-H V1.0 so i might just upgrade to the latest autopilot board.

    Once again thanks for all the help.

  • My Quad frame is a replacement for my old original ArduCopter frame i decided to upgrade it to a newer version of the frame. I have flown the old one many times but wanted something that was a bit newer. My autopilot is the original APM 1 with the older 1280 chip, i have a GPS and Sonar that was working great on the old frame.

    I now have a problem using the mission planner today the planner went to upgrade the firmware and now i have nothing on the board, and now when i try to connect to the board through the mission planner i get a message that there is a mavlink version 1 heartbeat and the mission planner needs 0.9. With a different version of mission planner I also get a message that there is no firmware loaded and when i try to load it it tells me that my hardware needs to be upgraded.

    Is my board just to old or is there a way that i can get mission planner to connect and reload some firmware or just i just need to bite the bullet and upgrade my hardware ? I was hoping to test the Quad this week during some indoor flying, any help anyone can offer is appreciated.

  • Moderator
    One more tip: be very gentle with your USB connector. They are easy to break away from the board. If that happens, there are solutions, just ask me, but better to avoid it.
  • Moderator
    Short answer is, even if it is already built, start here: http://code.google.com/p/arducopter/wiki/ArduCopter2Quick

    Read everything, if the step is already done, look over the work and pretend that you are doing it.

    Only once you understand it, move on to the next step. If you take it slow and easy, you'll break fewer things, which means you'll have to repair less and might fly more.
  • Moderator
    Yes, from within Configuration, you can load a config file, but I recommend using the "compare" feature instead. You see, param files can include lots of "local" settings which may have little to do with the airframe.... things like what hardware you have enabled, your RC calibration, what magnetic declination to use, airspeed sensor tuning, gimbal behavior, failsafe behavior, etc.

    So keep this URL handy: http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/wiki/APM_Parameters

    Those will show you the meaning of each parameter.
    Then, use the "compare" feature to select the parameters you want to set, rather than loading them all into the system blindly. In general, accept changes for your airframe that say "_P", "_D", "_I", or "_IMAX".

    Now, for all that, if you purchased a Quad from DIYDrones, most likely the default params will work just fine, and there is unlikely to be much different shown between loading the firmware and that configuration file. But before you attempt a flight, tell us more about how you got this quad, and what you have done so far in order to bring it to a flight-ready status. In particular, was this airframe flown by someone else, or did it ship ready from the factory, or did you assemble it. Did you push a version of the firmware to the APM1? If so, what is the version? Do you have Mission Planner installed? If so, which version. Have you followed the full setup process detailed in the wiki? Did you calibrate the ESCs? Did you calibrate the RC? Did you run a motor test? Do you know when to remove and when to replace the props?

    Cheers.... hope the community will help you along, be safe, and happy flying.
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