Using two quad PDB's for a conversion to an Octoquad?

Hey everyone.  Just got in a second quad power distribution board in today and want to turn my quad into quad-8 or Octoquad.

I purchased a second PDB thinking I can use it to power the additional motors. 

As I look at the quad and octoquad motors setup I see that the quad motors 1,2 are diagonal for the quad but are clockwise on the Octoquad top motors and 5 trhu 8 for the bottom motors clockwise.

Long story short does anybody have advice on using 2 quad PDB's to make an Octoquad?

Do I need to change the connector from the to PDB so that 1 thru 4 are counter clockwise? And then change the connector for the bottom PDB so 5 thru 8 are clockwise?

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  • Your missing the point of the question.  I know black to black and red to red.  If I was that stupid I wouldn't have been flying the thing for the past 6 months as a quad.


    The question, and my answer, is about the signal leads coming from the PDB's. Just as Keith mentioned above. The leads going to the output pins on the APM need to be switched as I have indicated.  The pin connections must be changed to what I have mentioned above from their factory configuration.

    If you do what you said "just hook red to red..." When you connect the signal pins without changing their order it will not work.

    The factory connector is GREEN, ORANGE, WHITE, YELLOW.  If you simply plug it into the APM it wont work for an Octaquad (X8) setup.


    I thought someone might have done it already and I could get a quicker answer.

    People should think about the question and not blurt out the obvious as the answer.



  • Well it works like a charm. With both PDB's facing forward, as in an X configuration, and stacked... top PDB for top motors and bottom PBD for bottom motors the pins are:

    Top PDB to APM pin:             Bottom PBD to APM pin:

    1 Green                                   5 White

    2 White                                    6 Green

    3 Orange                                 7 Yellow

    4 Yellow                                  8 Orange

    Top PDB is for motors 1 thru 4 counterclockwise

    Bottom PDB is for motors 5 thru 8 clockwise.

    Only problem I had was a little trouble configuring the lower for ESC's.

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