Weird power readings in log

Hi all, I was testing my quad with my new batteries on the ground with the props reversed and I saw some weird Voltage and Current readings in the log. Here are the graphs



I didn't hear anything weird from the motors and it has been doing the same thing during flight with no strange behaviour. Does anybody know what the problem is? Could it be a faulty Power Module? 

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  • Well it seems my theory or Randy's was probably correct. Using the same cable (only one I have) I downloaded a log with my normal apps running along with parallels and downloaded the same log with freshly booted mac and only parallels running. The logs were not the same and in the first one I had zero values and in the second not. So it probably dropped some frames during the download. Here are the graphs



    So mystery solved, maybe this will help someone with a similar problem.

    Thanks guys for your quick response!

    PS> The graphs were identical except for those two values

  • My mac doesn't have any problem running the VM, it is 4years old but has 8GB RAM and SSD drive. Brian, I meant the CPU strained by all other apps not by the MP of course. Keith, last time I tried to install the firmware it failed verification at least 20 times even after restarting windows and it succeeded immediately after rebooting the mac and having only parallels running. Unfortunately it is pouring outside and I cannot test it at the moment.

  • Thanks guys, I will try a different cable and redo the soldering. If it could be a usb cable issue then couldn't it also be that I am running MP through parallels on a mac and maybe the cpu is strained? I had a hard time installing the firmware with it failing the verification and I found out that it has to be freshly booted and with only parallels running to verify correctly.
  • Developer

    It could also be a logging issue.  Sometimes during the transfer of the dataflash logs to the computer some data is corrupted.  I've heard that it can changed depending upon the USB cable you use.

  • Your graphs look like loose or broken wires, connector or solder joint. The break in power is intermittent, drastic and returning. Something like it is pressed together but, as seen, not a permanent electrical connection.  Me thinks.....

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