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  • The Flight of the Valkirie. Wagner!

  • good music to listen to while flying?

  • I would like your help.  Safety is my number one issue with drones. Last year I was learning to fly my  Parrot AR. Drone that I had fitted with carbon fiber blades.  I was doing a simple take off and landing in the living room to impress a friend.  I was hovering and accidentally hit the "Home" button. Instead of a soft landing the AR Drone took off from a distance of about 10' from me and came right at my face.  As I was trying to deflect it, the carbon fiber blade put a gash on my left eye, just missing my eyeball.  I don't know about you, but that really soured my experience and nearly put out my eye. 

    I had every intention of taking the money I had saved to start a Real Estate Photography company.  Instead I became afraid of the drone. A friend purchased a Phantom from DJI and had a very similar experience on his very first flight.

    Oddly enough I became so fascinated with the industry that started to look for solutions to the danger of any multi-rotor with plastic or carbon fiber blades.  I came up with what I affectionately call DroneKone.  It is complete and substantial propeller protection to help make drones safer.

    I started a small company with my limited funds and developed a model of my concept.  I was able to get a provisional patent on my safety device.  Then I had a devastating life event and was out of action for a year.  I have recovered.  I don't have any funding at this point except out of my pocket and started seeking funding. I was told by a potential investor that I needed to survey 100 people to find out if my product is market worthy.

    Okay enough story.  Simple Survey for Safety:

    1. Yes or No  Are you concerned about drones flying around Children? 
    2. Yes or No  Do you have a concern about your personal safety when flying a drone?
    3. Yes or No  If a safety device was available would you consider purchasing it?
    4.                  What would a safety device look like to you if you could design one?
    5.                  How much would you pay for a safety cage if one was available when you purchase your drone.

    I greatly appreciate you reading this far and ask for help.  If this is just plain stupid, then I would like to know that now, before I spend any money on moving further.

    Thank you so much for listening.  I am grateful to be a small part of this awesome community.


  • Many thank's Justin, I deleted my question about how to connect an old gps on a pixhawk because I noticed that my newer gps have 6 wires but only different connector and I'm going to change the plug and use that but your info is usefull for me because I have another apm and I'm going to replace some time later too.
  • I've been using the APM 2.5 controllers that come on the Cheerson Cx-20 and the Quanum Nova, and a Pixhawk on a hexacopter 550 build and never had issues with GPS lock or low satellite counts, yet hear all the time about GPS issues in the various multirotor forums around the Internet. I just assembled a HK H.A.L. quad and used an APM 2.7 FC and for the very first time ran into GPS issues with a VERY long time to lock and low satellite counts. This problem would go away when I plugged in the USB though. After chasing ghosts thru the power system and adding filters, etc, I noticed that when the dome where the GPS was mounted was lifted up, it was a little more than an inch further away from the APM than when it was down in the flight mode (GPS is mounted on the top). So I ran some copper tape on the inside of the dome under the GPS to shield it from the APM and now get as good of reception as I get on both the APM quads (CX-20 & Nova) and the Pixhawk on the Hex! So my question is to people having GPS reception issues, how well is your GPS shielded? If you are having problems, is it shielded well enough?

  • 5 Pin GPS and 6 Pin GPS setup

  • Developer

    @Ali you can use basically what ever quad for that. It can be even 2 sticks crossed with motors mounted on end of those. As long as its all symmetrical. Symmetrical frame just makes initial software development more easier. I would say have/make frame that has motor to motor distance something around 60-65cm for start. 

  • Developer
      1. @amirhossein, no you should not do that. You only need to calibrate accels if you change orientation of your autopilot for example when you change it or do bigger modifications to your frame. Also rarely when we make bigger changes on software, accel calibration is needed. 

      There is quick accel calibration check when you connect your mattery but that is different calibration initiated from MissionPlanner or other GCS.

  • Hi, Why should I calibrate the accelerometer before every use? I believe I am doing something wrong.

  • It's possible to find older vers of 3DR services?

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Drone flying to non visible point

Hi there,I encountered a problem, while flying in auto mode, with approching to point that was not set by trajectory and is not visible after downloading mission from flight controller by Mission Planner. Does anybody encountered similar problem. The situation is that in the middle flight I stopped the UAV and uploaded new mission and after changing to auto mode it starts to fly in some direction. It goes straight to some point, so I assume it's not mechanical problem. I attached the link to…

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Hi,Im working on a autonomous drones and im using JETSON NANO and flight controller PIXHAWK .Im able to control my drone by giving rc commands on the MAVLINK terminal itself by connecting it with PIXHAWK but now i want a python code from which i can do some operations like:takeoff,left ,right,forward,backward…and i am not using GPS…Can anyone please help me…

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1 Reply · Reply by tellinglean Oct 17, 2022

HELP quadcopter: one motor twitching and stuttering

Hello guys,I have a problem with one motor, do not spin and making a sound (videos in attachment), I changed the motor to another ESC and is work, so I checked the connections on ESC and all connections looking great. any ideas or something I can do, iam trying to build YMFC32 Brokking .thank youhttps://youtu.be/LagBqwGbixkhttps://youtu.be/PU20nCxApcs

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Will AHRS_ORIENTATION=8 for Arducopter 3.2.1 on APM 2.5 using a traditional Heli

I have been Reading Chris Olsen posts and watching his videos on Arducopter with traditional Helis using a Pixhawk.I have inherited an older Trex 450 heli with the old Align 3G FBL hardware.  The FBL controller appears to be bad.  So I have an old APM 2.5 without a compass or GPS on board.  I just want to replace the failed Align 3G FBL system with the APM.Now I have to mount the APM under the skids on the heli so the APM will be upside down.I have Two questions.1)  Is the AHRS_ORIENTATION=8…

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