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  • I'm installing the Lidar Lite, and have two wires that don't use, how can I remove them from molex connector without cutting them?

  • @Darius,

    I have no relation with the Barcelona Drone Center, just wanted to share their installations that are quite nice.

    Regarding your project of CORS stations, please note that the hardware and sofware are available since 2012, so just let us know, whenever you want. Just drop a lite at emea@northgps.com and we can help you with the design and setup. I'll forward your email so you can talk with technical sales.

    Regarding your rover, if you can feed 7-14VDC, then there is no problem to integrate the RTK on it.

  • @Bernardo Espinosa,

    I would like to join BarcelonaDroneCenter with my OpenFabLab



    is solar powered.

    I would like to set up 2 CORS reference ground stations, based on your L1/L2 and another based on L1 RTK GPS

    to study L1 vs. L1/L2 GPS ionospheric and tropospheric errors.

    Please email me when your L1/L2 is available and what hardware/software is required to make it work as a public, open CORS ground reference station ( web server, router, WiFi, 3G).

    I would like to test solar-powered self-driven rover, receiving high accuracy RTK GPS geolocation data to follow the preset track.


    I develop  solar chargers,  solar power banks, solar powered carts, solar powered add-on rickshaws (single person), assemble lightweight semi-flexible solar panels to match the size, vattage and voltage output on request.



  • Hi all. Some friends in the Barcelona Area (Spain) have setup an amazing area to develop and test drive drones of any kind without limits, if you you plan a summer beach holidays this year, you might want to bring along your tinkering as well!:


  • I am building a quadcopter that will fly t takes images for a maze and then sends them to a car (robot) and this car will pass the maze 

    I wonder how the two of them will communicate? i need ideas 

    my current idea is to use raspberry pi which will control the ardupilot and then sends the  directions 

    how will the user communicate with the raspberry ??

  • Hi there - I am based in Brisbane Australia and bought a 3DR copter a few years ago. I almost have it working - Alt Hold/Loiter/Stab mode work most of the time. Other times it loses its self and hits the dirt. Does anyone in this forum live in Brisbane and would be willing to help me out on a paid basis? I may have an intermittent hardware fault with the acceleromters or the compass. Anyway if someone can help face to face I would really appreciate it. Thanks - I think its a great forum by the way!

  • Greg, you are corect that I am the person registered under the new UAS program. Because of that, I am required to follow the rules they setup. I also have a drivers license and am responsible to drive safely. There have been cases that someone else has interfered with a driver safely driving (say dropping a rock off of an overpass) and that has lead to the person interfering with safe operation of the car going to court.

    I am required to put my FAA registration number on my aircraft to identify me for unsafe operation of my aircraft (RC). The FAA classified RCs as aircraft because it flies in airspace controlled by the FAA. They did not chose to registered kites, which also fly in the same airspace (generally below 400 feet). I understand that kites are tethered, and I have seen kites weighing more than a pound. I could tether my quad too, but they still require one to have an identifier they require, while the other doesn't doesn't.

    During WWII, balloons were used in large cities with steel cables to bring down enemy aircraft. Kites could be used the same way (hypothetically), yet one is controlled by the FAA and one isn't.

    I am unaware of any aircraft that has been damaged by a UAS anywhere. I have seen FAA testing of larger, heavier objects that have hit planes, yet not bright them down. Sure, it may cause damage, but commercial (and private aircraft) continue to operate safely. 

    I fly my aircraft (RC) safely, but outside interference by another party could change that and it could hurt someone on the ground. The identifier on my quad would certainly lead to me if that happens, and I would be brought into Federal court to answer for it because of the actions of a third party. 

    Of course, all of this I would have to present in court and the judge decides (or a jury). They will be the people that end up adjudicating this question. I do not anticipate ever having to do this myself, but it is possible I could be on a jury that decides that.

  • Craig I think you will find that you are registered not the aircraft. This is the conclusion I read in other places.

  • i had an interesting thought this morning and I was wondering if anyone had thought about this too. I have registered for the UAS registration. Not that I am especially pleased with it, I I have done work for the FAA in the past and have friends there today.

    Since the FAA is requiring registration and have rules to follow, it would seem to me that should some stranger take offence at my flying and say shoot it out of the air, the FAA would be required to step in considering it is a registered aircraft and prosecute the person for shooting down a registered aircraft in Federal Court.

    Since I have not found any reference to something like that, but know if I fly in an unapproved manner I would be proseccuted in a Federal Court myself. I have sent this question to the FAA, but have not yet had a response. I am pretty sure they will respond at some point, but considering that the FAA felt obligated to control this hobby, they also have responsibility to protect unsafe actions by a person that could lead to the destruction of a registered UAS. After all, having it fall from the sky and possibly injuring someone is no different than if an aircraft was shot at. The same may hold true if the signal controlling the UAS is interrupted, causing it to crash.

    Overall, this would be a big burden on the FAA since these devices are so popular. Anyone want to speculate as to the answer of that question?

  • @DG:

    Yes.  The FC is between the RX and the Quattro.

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Drone flying to non visible point

Hi there,I encountered a problem, while flying in auto mode, with approching to point that was not set by trajectory and is not visible after downloading mission from flight controller by Mission Planner. Does anybody encountered similar problem. The situation is that in the middle flight I stopped the UAV and uploaded new mission and after changing to auto mode it starts to fly in some direction. It goes straight to some point, so I assume it's not mechanical problem. I attached the link to…

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Hi,Im working on a autonomous drones and im using JETSON NANO and flight controller PIXHAWK .Im able to control my drone by giving rc commands on the MAVLINK terminal itself by connecting it with PIXHAWK but now i want a python code from which i can do some operations like:takeoff,left ,right,forward,backward…and i am not using GPS…Can anyone please help me…

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1 Reply · Reply by tellinglean Oct 17, 2022

HELP quadcopter: one motor twitching and stuttering

Hello guys,I have a problem with one motor, do not spin and making a sound (videos in attachment), I changed the motor to another ESC and is work, so I checked the connections on ESC and all connections looking great. any ideas or something I can do, iam trying to build YMFC32 Brokking .thank youhttps://youtu.be/LagBqwGbixkhttps://youtu.be/PU20nCxApcs

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Will AHRS_ORIENTATION=8 for Arducopter 3.2.1 on APM 2.5 using a traditional Heli

I have been Reading Chris Olsen posts and watching his videos on Arducopter with traditional Helis using a Pixhawk.I have inherited an older Trex 450 heli with the old Align 3G FBL hardware.  The FBL controller appears to be bad.  So I have an old APM 2.5 without a compass or GPS on board.  I just want to replace the failed Align 3G FBL system with the APM.Now I have to mount the APM under the skids on the heli so the APM will be upside down.I have Two questions.1)  Is the AHRS_ORIENTATION=8…

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