Suffered a tragedy Now I need help

Hey fellow pilots or Otto Pilots, 

I almost lost my son in July, he was skateboarding hit his head-had a concussion and that night was literally out of his mind. He hid his pain from us because I would have ended his boarding career for not wearing a helmet. That nite he got into my pain meds for my back and not know what he was doing (remember he was in a concussed state) overdosed. He was NEXT to Death, but beat it and has come all the way back to where he started school yesterday.

Any way I have all the gear the autopilot board, the imu board the GPS the sonar a camera. I havent built the quad copter but I have a Rotor 404 quad with the same motor setup. 

I have been out of the loop for 8 weeks. I dont know where to START NOW!!! There is SO MUCH Data on this web site I dont know where to go to get info etc tec. I have soldered the IMU board to the autopilot board and hooked up the GPS but I have NO Idea now where to go next. Can someone point me in the right direction? PLEASE. I want to get back to this project and I have lost my way.. I would appreciate any help.


thanks so much.


Paul Guggenbuehl

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  • 3D Robotics



    We have manuals for every product. What product you have?


    Is it the old ArduPilot with the old ArduIMU? If so, the manual is here.

    Is it ArduPilotMega for planes? If so, the manual is here.

    Or is it ArduPilotMega for copters? If so, the manual is here.


    What are we doing wrong with the site design? All these in the tabs above, right on the front page. What should we be doing better to make this easier to find?

  • I have all the little telemetry boards too, man am I lost!

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