Group for users of the original ArduPilot, both thermopile and ArduIMU versions
Manual for Ardupilot Mega 1.0/1.4
Hi, I have a couple of the older APM boards. I stopped flying for a few years and kind of lost touch with them.Trying to get back into the hobby now and I've discovered that all the instructions for the old boards are no longer available! The boards do seem to be working and can be connected to Mission Planner. Could someone please assist by directing me to where the relevant legacy manual can be viewed/downloaded?Thanks so much...
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I had spend couple of months, rather about two years on this legacy board but could not make a single flight of my plane. After crashing the plane I was so disheart that I left the activity for two years. Then I started flying quad copter. This year I bought an APM 2.5 with a GPS and right from my first flight with APM on quad copter I haven't found any issue in it. The different Modes in it, specially the Auto mode is amazing and I am so happy with it. Now I have bought another APM to try on plane.
I think thats what hes looking for
they are great you can use the open headtracker code on them too if I remember right
I have one of the V2 flat IMUs too.
the imu v2 flat is hard to find anymore if thats what hes asking
I still have my setup i was looking for info on perhaps turning into a tracker unit but firmware loading is not as simple as MP anymore
I have a number of the old ATMega 328 Ardupilots and their shields.
PM me and I will see what I can do for you.
The you mean the "shield" that was mentioned in the original post? If so, I'm afraid I don't even have one myself. That was a long time ago!
I have been looking to buy one, new or used, for a long while without any luck, hence this cry into the wild.
Joe Homer
The only benefit is a $15.00 IMU, $5.00 I2C daughter board vs. $75.00 ArduIMU. That would bring the combination IMU/Autopilot to about $60.00 with GPS. The other benefit is I get to learn a few things.
It'd be nice to squeeze all the Ardupilot stuff onto the $15.00 Flip. That would take some rework and combining with Multiwii code. The Ardupilot does a good job of handling modes and navigation, but the multiwii does a good job of combining IMU with reading radio. Somewhere in there is a decent little autopilot.
its a MPU6050 6-axis gyro/accel sensor attached to a piggybacked brushless motor driver pcb on an arduino pro mini 328p
Just a shrunk down brushless gimbal controller
still deciding what version of the firmware is best
more info here: