I am looking for a programmer to add a feature to ArduRover or Arduboat and to refine it as my project is developed. The equipment to be used is Pixhawk with 3DR GPS/Compass module. The software is Missionplanner with the appropriate firmware. I am mostly interested in adding a specific feature that is controlled by the radio (activated by a radio switch).
If anyone is interested, please contact me so we can discuss the project in greater detail, discuss costs, and a tentative timetable.
Thank you
Our resident ArduRover/Boat Developer is Grant Morphett. He is spread pretty thin as I believe that he also has a day job.
Thanks Thomas.
Yes, I know. I have been trying to contact him for the last few weeks with no luck. I'll keep trying, but if I get no response I need to find some other option.
are you sure new features can be embedded into DIYDrones software, firmware ?
Multi-level high-tech software + hardware projects are closed to third party developers be default if API in support of new features is not offered.
I am not aware of any group devoted to thid party feature development.
With Hue Project by Philips I know exactly what features are supported and know API to control Hue lights, so I can write shell scripts to control Hue lamps.
Not the case with Ardu projects.
If I am wrong, pls correct me.
Hi everyone - I am here :-) I have just been caught up.
Darius, ArduPilot is open source. This means anyone can contribute any code that supports any functionality anytime they like. A few of us have permissions to make changes to the main "master" code and thus making it into the main released versions of ArduPilot. If someone makes a coding change, they submit a Pull Request with the code change, we review and if its all good we put it in. We love to have contributions from other developers rather then just have a few of us write all the code. dev.ardupilot.com has a bunch of info.
Thanks, Grant