Arudrover wireless telemetry connection problem

Hello Everyone,

I am new to the forum but have been using  the ardupilot for some time now. I am having an issue that seems to be intermittent at times and I am unsure of how to go about fixing it. I am using a set of 900MHz down links, not 3DR radios, that are slaved together and display a status that should allow them to talk. I can connect via the ctrl t, but when it comes down to the connect button on the APM mission planner I get a time out with an error that states X packets received but no parameter packets. I read through the Forum and found problems like this and have attempted to fix this issue with the information provided. I have check for voltage mismatch issues, I slowed down the data stream, and  I have checked all wiring on both ends. I have two rovers that are constructed the same way. Rover One currently does not work, Rover two can be some what intermittent but it did work Saturday. Both links with autopilots worked about 1 week ago flawlessly and the rover has yet to see any action only bench testing. Therefore, no vibration has had the opportunity to damage a connection. So, I am open for suggestions. Oh, by the way both connect via the usb cable with no issues.

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  • Admin


    What brand of 900MHz telemetry radios are you using and who did you purchase them from? Also, what version of the APM are you using? Providing details about your hardware configuration will greatly help in troubleshooting your telemetry problem.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

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