centering a throttle control stick

i'm trying to find a transmitter with both the control sticks centered but TJC3 Said he does not know of any transmitters where both of the sticks are centered. what he suggested was that i do it can anyone refer me to a cheap transmitter that can be easily modified.

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  • what are you trying to do ?

  • Admin


    I do not know of a twin centered joystick transmitter with 5 to 6 channels, however I suspect that you can add springs to the non-centering joystick in a Mode 1 or 2 transmitter to make it perform like the centering joystick. Though you might have to remove the ratchet from the throttle joystick axis.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

  • I'm not 100% sure, but I think FrSky Taranis X9D is basically able to center both sticks. At least changing from mode 1 to 2 and vice versa doesn't need swapping gimbals, just loosening and tightening screws,

    And being openTx, it gives huge flexibility in programming. It costs $200, so it may not be cheap, but  32 channels, telemetry, voices and good community support makes it cheapest in its class,

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