
  • @Bot thoughts,

    Well, for some reason, the 'Reply' box is up at the top again.  Don't know why.

    ROS might be overkill, but it has all the multi-thread support needed to build large systems (and small).  Publish messages, subscribe to what you need.  All the tasks run at the same time, and are much more independent.  My problem is being able to even build and properly run the examples!    LiDAR and XBOX are already there, for example.  Nav too, if one understands it all.  APM functionality could be "absorbed" into a few ROS nodes.  But I'm only a "beginner". 

    Alan  KM6VV

  • Developer


    i just want to share because it might be interesting on this topic.

    I had equipped my Rover with 2 and later 3 Sharp IR Sensors (GP2Y0A02YK0F) to get it steer around and avoid obstacles without the need of an additional Arduino.

    I used some examples found on the www, simply copy'pasted, used the try'n error method and finally could bruteforce the code somehow until i got it working.

    for sure i have learned a lot of things while going this route!

    I used the Analog inputs 0, 5 & 6 on my APM1 and integrated a simple median filter to reduce false positives in detection.

    The sensor was tested indoors and also in bright sunlight and i found it working well at low speeds.

    Here some videos of the first test and a short testrun.

    Will see if i can get more advanced setup done this year.

    Have fun!


  • Have you had a chance to try obstacle detection on the RPi? I heard it was glacially slow. I've gotten raw video going from usb cam, but not OpenCV type stuff. Been playing with an AVRcam that would work just fine, also a CMUcam V2. I'm just starting to work on my own camera concoction (hopefully running STM32F4 @ 168MHz)

  • Admin

    Hi All,

    My thinking is to use the Arduino Uno for both obstacle avoidance and as a switch between the APM for navigation and the Raspberry Pi for target detection and capture. The Arduino Uno would take navigation input from the APM to get to the target waypoint area while avoiding obstacles. The APM could signal the Uno upon arrival at a target waypoint. Then the Uno could then put the APM in the loiter mode and then turnover steering and throttle commands to the Raspberry Pi/camera which would then steer to the target cone. After target capture, the Uno would turnover command to the APM for navigation to the next target waypoint.

    I already have the APM navigation output working with the Arduino Uno obstacle avoidance system so all that is left is integrating the Raspberry Pi/camera with the Uno.



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