First Steps - Help a noob

Hello, I've been reading about ArduPilot for a long time, but I never had the opportunity to buy one, today finally I could buy an APM 2.6. My first project is to build a simple rover using this platform:
Later I want to expand and buy a Wild Thumper 6WD.
I already have the platform and bought the APM 2.6, GPS + Compass, Power Module and Telemetry Kit.

So I want help with my next steps, I guess my problem will be the skid steering thing.
Right now I have on my list:
1. RC
2. Battery
3. Motor Driver

Anything I am missing and must add? Sugestions of good products?

Thanks guys!

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  • Ok, so I have been reading a lot, and narrowed my problems to:

    1- The motor driver will replace the ESC? I mean, I have to put the ESC signal on the motor driver signal and that will work? 

    2- Can I start my project without the RC? The model I want is on backorder and will take forever to arrive :(

  • Admin


    The Smart Car chassis is a good choice as you will need to use skid steering to control it and the Wild Thumper.

    Your additional parts list looks okay too.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

    • Thanks Thomas, I have some questions about the motors. I should use the motor driver instead of ESC? I must have both? Thanks

    • Admin


      You can use a dual ESC like the Dimension Engineering Sabertooth 2X12amp motor controller. The Sabertooth can perform skid steering mixing using steering and throttle input or you can use it as two separate motor drivers, one for each side of the chassis, and let the APM perform the skid steering function.


      TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

    • Hmm, I see, I'm trying to cut my costs for now because parts are kinda expensive in my country and I'm going to Canada soon, so, is it possible to put my Smart Car to run without for now? Just APM through mission planner? Thanks a lot Thomas.

    • Admin


      There is no motor controller supplied with the Smart Car kit so the answer is no. The APM cannot control the motors by itself.


      TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

    • Oh I forgot to put RC, it would be "put my smart car to run without RC for now" lol, sorry

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