I have a notebook computer now set up with Ubuntu, and I hope to get ROS up on it and running. Then I can link in ArduRover for NAV, LiDAR for obstacle avoidance, a Blackfin Camera for orange cone detection, and the motor drive stuff. For now, I've got a SparkFun 9DOF IMU that I'd like to try.
After I'm sure I can use ROS, I'll buy a CompuLab SBC-FITPC2 Single Board Computer. At least, that's the plan!
I'm currently working on the 6WD chassis.
Now that we have a thread, maybe the comments will fall in line!
I'm checking out the Raspberry Pi. It is low cost with minimal power consumption, low weight and speedy boot up. Considering setting it up as a wireless webserver using a wireless mobile dongle or maybe using WiFi. Then it could control the robot over the internet, stream back video and maybe do some additional sensor processing.
Sounds great! Looking forward to updates. I'm curious about the whole Robomagellan thing. Would love to enter a (the?) competition some day. The problem only seems similar to the AVC on the very, very, surface of it. :) It'd be interesting to deal with terrain rougher than parking lot with potholes.
Hi Alan,
I have been building a Parallax EDDIE clone based on Steve Norris' designs. I plan on using a mini-itx based on an Intel embedded processor board. Since EDDIE has a MS Kinect onboard, image recognition is a snap. Steve Norris has already written target recognition code for EDDIE and it is open source. I have added extra SLA batteries to my clone chassis so it can travel a great distance without recharging.