Hi,I suspect there may be a wholly obvious answer to this, please bear with me!I'm currently working on a rover project, some of it outlined here:http://www.diydrones.com/group/ardurover-user-group/forum/topics/help-with-getting-this-baby-outdoors?commentId=705844%3AComment%3A1413793&xg_source=msg_com_gr_forumAt the moment its more of a manual control rover, based on Arduino Unos and 3DRs for both control commands and telemetry.If I were to replace the Rover Arduino Uno with an APM 2.6 board can I:* Treat it as normal Arduino and develop custom sketches provided I update my IDE as documented?* Access the 3DR telemtry radio with my own sketch, and are these still accessed via TX and RX serial interface?* Access the GPS, barometer and compass with my own sketch code?* Read analog sensors such as Sharp IRs?* Write to digital sensors such as servos?* Power servos used for cam pan/tilt?Im a developer by trade so image that if the above is possible then one option would be to fork the standard GIT repository?Many thanks.

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  • Over the last 6 weeks I have been making steady progress with my rover build based on a Dagu Thumper 6WD chassis and APM 2.6 microcontroller platform, running with my own custom software.

    It's been quite a journey so far - motor control easy, getting the compass, gyro, distance sensors and GPS up and running with custom code more involved, with many tweaks for function and performance considerations made along the way.  Control via web based UI with input from a Saitek X52 Pro flight stick.  Overall very happy with the way it's going and hope to post pictures soon.

    Another question you you Thomas regarding power, you helped me with your insight some time ago.  I have just installed some headlamps, connected with handlamp positive to the digital rail signal, and gnd to gnd.  JP1 is not installed.  I have fed 5v and gnd from the Sabertooth BEC to digital pin 8 to provide power to the digital rail.

    APM is connected to PC with USB.  With a test sketch installed to blink the headlamps and main lipo battery power on, all is well, headlamps blink.

    Here's what surprised me - I turned main battery power off (APM still connected via USB), and headlamps still blinking.  I had though that once I removed power supply to digital rail the headlamps would not be powered (as JP1 is not installed) and digital rail not powered. Huh?! (or does USB provide digital rail power if external power source not available?

    Probably a stupid question, been a long day "sketching" and wiring up!

  • I'll be pulling the trigger on an APM and 3DR GPS this evening :)

    With my current setup the schematic is as follows:


    Integrating the APM 2.6 I have the following schematic proposal, although straight-forward most grateful if this can be sense-checked by you guys.

    Note use of power distribution board for servo power to adhere to APM guidelines concerning servo power draw.

    With regard to below I'm unclear as to use of jumper JP1.


    Many thanks.

  • Admin


    If you plan to be as ambitious as you say you are, I believe that you are wasting your time with the Atmel 2560. It is at the end of its life as far as program storage and processing speed are concerned. Therefore you should direct your talents towards a more powerful processor such as the STM32 that is in the PX4 or the Pixhawk. Buy the hardware configuration that meets your present and future needs and spend your time programming to meet your rover performance requirements.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer 

  • 3D Robotics

    Yes to all of that--APM looks like a standard Arduino to the code, just with different pin assignments. But I'd definitely recommend forking the current code/Git rather than writing the necessary libraries from scratch.

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