Hi all,
I'm currently use a mix of sharp analog infrared distance sensors with my rover solution. These have been calibrated and yet, particularly for one of the sensors, the readings tend to fluctuate wildly. Maybe I need to introduce some smoothing or averaging algorithm to eliminate these fluctuations.
I'd be interested to hear about what range sensors other folk are using and what success you are having with these.
For instance I see that the range of Maxbotix ultrasonic sensors are popular with the APM 2.5/2.6 autopilot. However I have seen these described as an indoor sensor solution, and wonder how that can be as they are used with the quadcopters:
"...and can be used anywhere an indoor acoustic range sensor is needed.".
Anyone using these, what success are you having?
Many thanks.
If you want to get more ambitious there is a lidar that is a lot less expensive but not cheap. See http://www.miremadi.com/styled/LDR-M10.html
I have used both the Sharp IR sensors and the Maxbotix MB1240 sonar on my rover chassis and I have found that the Maxbotix sonars have performed the best and have the highest resistance to producing false triggers.
The sonars must be pointed slightly upwards to prevent ground reflections from producing false triggers, but otherwise they seem to function well for the intended purpose. They are mechanically rugged and have survived numerous crashes. If they get wet, they will not function well and must be dried out and cleaned with anhydrous (>91%) alcohol.
TCIII ArduRover2 Developer