A discussion page to allow me to add my experiences using a Raspberry Pi 2/3/Zero V1.2/1.3 as a companion computer for Ardupilot/APM/Pixhawk flight boards. I will update my experiences as I learn, feel free to comment and offer tips, it's all free here.
I'm building a github for my experiments: https://github.com/benb0jangles/Companion-Pi
Drone Unit: Raspberry Pi Zero V1.3 + Pi Camera Module
img file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1cVb3uX0f0dQTZzSmVISFdYd3M
Ground Unit: Raspberry Pi 2
img file: <to be added>
Goggles Unit: Raspberry Pi Zero V1.3
img file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1cVb3uX0f0dakFpaTAyVF9HV2s
Ardupilot Technical Questions:
Also, if you have any technical code/hardware questions which you feel may take ongoing contributions and help over an extended timeframe, feel free to ask over on Ardupilot.org technical discussion page here: http://discuss.ardupilot.org/t/companion-pi-2-3-zero/9460
I will update as I get by, please contribute by offering your 'plug & play' wifi adapters using Raspbian Jessie. Also, if you happen to pick up this project, and are working faster than me, then please send us your own .img file experiments. Thanks.
Live tracking from the drone camera using OpenCV to track a fruit object:

Live Streaming to Youtube Live:

Jetson as an AI groundstation?
Thanks for the advice.
Also, you're right about the RPi Zero. I've had it for a while and will try it out before deciding to get a RPi 3 or not. The 3A current should be more than enough for any RPi.
Fnoop said:
@xemone, the PDB should power a PI zero, but I tried this with a PI3 and it failed. Not enough current output. I use a separate regulator now.