
To create a valid SBC Linux Image we need to know what software that would be useful to a new comer to have pre-installed.

Statring with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS for ODROID /RPi2
Additional Software would be 
System Software
- FTDI USB support (drivers are built in)
- Python
- WiFi Support (As Client and Access Point)
- DHCP and DNS Support
- LTE Module Support (needs list of compatible devices)
- OpenCV + Python Bindings
- OpenVPN support for secure connections
- gstreamer-1.0
Drone Software
- MAVProxy
- DroneAPI
Python Applications
- Randy's Balloon Finder
- Drone API examples 
Bootup to start MAV Proxy and other Python software in know configurations
[LATER] Also  

    - Inadyn

    - dnsutils

    - modeswitch

    - proftpd

    - VLC  (Some people prefer VLC over gStreamer)

    - Uqmi  ?  (True LTE support. Widely used by OpenWrt)

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  • Developer

    Ah, I actually also created a setup script (that I haven't run yet) in the companion repo.

    I guess to fit with the existing structure of that repo I should have put it in RPI2/Raspbian 'cuz it apparently possible to install Ubuntu on an RPI2.

    • Developer
      We should also make clear the version of Raspbian is Wheezy or Jessie. (Jessie should be fine to support as Wheezy is ancient)
  • Developer

    I've created an image for an RPI2 using NOOBs and then installing a bunch of packages:

    python-dev, python-pip, dronekit, dronekit-sitl, mavproxy.. and maybe I also installed screen.

    I tested the raspivideo and also fired up mavproxy and confirmed that it could connect to my Pixhawk running Copter-3.4.  The two were connected by a USB-serial converter (as described on the dev wiki's Odroid setup page).

    I used Win32DiskImager to save/write the image files.  I used "SDFormatter" to prepare originally format the SD card as recommended on the RPI wiki.

    The image file is currently uploading to the developer downloads page but at 2.2GB it's taking forever (I zipped up the 7.7GB image and it shrunk to 2.2GB).  I think a new companion computer section on may be a better place to put the images.

    • Developer

      So I've created an RPI2 image now (as mentioned above) and it can be downloaded from here.  It's not a hugely useful image yet but I guess I have the overall process clarified.

    • Developer
      Is that image Raspbian Wheezy or Jessie?
    • Developer

      So not knowing how to check I googled it and "lsb_release -a" was the magic command to tell me the answer.

      lsb_release -a

      No LSB modules are available.

      Distributor ID: Raspbian

      Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie)

      Release: 8.0

      Codename: jessie

  • Developer

    This looks like a very good laundry list of what to include.

  • Developer

    Link to Ubuntu for RPi

    ARM/RaspberryPi - Ubuntu Wiki
    • Why this Ubuntu version and not Ubuntu Snappy Core ?

      Furthermore, for the Raspberry Pi i would rather suggest Raspbian respectively Raspbian Lite (headless version) !?

  • Developer

    link to Drone Kit API tutuorial

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