
  • Hi All

    Thanks for inviting me to this group.

    As Kevin stated I have posted a very rough proposal on integrating checklists into Ground Control Systems. I think there are 2 things that are needed:

     1) technical abilities to do checks from the gcs, the gcs can help a lot

     2) standardization of checklists per vehicle class

    From my own experience, a standard for all vehicles will be impossible. I am "only" flying fixed wings, maybe 12 different air frames by now with APM. All of them have some special procedures to go through. But for all the airframes, there is also a lowest common denominator. 

    I think it could make sense to start creating std checklists for different vehicle types (fixed wing, copter, trad heli, etc.) here. These could be provided by GCS in a way that they can be extended by UAV manufacturer and/or operators.

    Kevin has already put out (or is working on) a proof of concept how html/javascript documents can be included into Andropilot. the choice for html/js is (IMHO) very good, because it requires very few technical skills to alter/extend such documents and would make it fairly easy for any technical savy person (with some documentation) to create his/her own interactive document. Kevin's plans are to make it possible to use values from the GCS in these document. Also, and API could make it possible to even communicate with the UAV (set modes, set home location from tablet, etc).

    So there seems to become a very flexible, powerful, easy portable, yet simple to use and extend system (not only for checklists).

    With the lack of standards from aviation authorities world wide it would make sense to me for the community to pus this issue forward.

    I am looking forward to hear your suggestions on standard checklists for UAVs.

    Best Wishes


  • Moderator

    I'm there thanks very much for starting down this road.

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