3DR: You need to recall IRIS!!!

I think it's time to speak out aloud what hopefully others are already thinking: 3DR you need to recall your product IRIS!

Here's why:

Over the last couple of weeks multiple buyers of IRIS have stumbled over major issues that caused parts of their IRIS to fail, which resulted in crashes and substantial damage.

These issues are:

- Screws for mounting the motor to the frame are too short.
* http://diydrones.com/group/iris/forum/topics/my-iris-crashed-after-closer-inspection-i-noticed-screws-missing

- Power module failure on ESX board.


I'm not even mentioning issues where your QA department failed and sent out kits with missing screws. 

Again, both issues have caused various IRIS quads to crash and get damaged substantially. 

Yes, we all will admit that 3DR has been very generous in getting Quads of some of these folks fixed. And 3DR is also providing replacement screws free of charge when support is contacted. But this is not enough!

3DR, you need to reach out to your customers and inform them proactively about the mentioned issues and come up with a plan to ensure that your customer's device can be returned into a state that it is safe to operate (That's what a recall is). You can't expect us to be your beta testers and monitor these forums 24x7, hoping that someone else will hit a catastrophic bug before myself!

In the case of the motor mounting screws you could start by telling customers that they need M3x10 screws and that one needs to use red loctite with it. Once I had that information I was able to go to the local hardware store and get the stuff myself for a few dollars. 

By keeping quiet about these issues you're making things worse! While it's possible for the majority of us to fix these issues for a few cents or dollars, we are kept in the dark causing major damage to our quads.

Do the right thing and start proactively communicating with your customers. Get started now by telling us what to do with the Power Module failure issue.   

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    • I am very happy with my Iris.. Where 3DR is going to win is on super customer service and support.


      Many customers will be 1st timers, myself included, do have some basic questions which we post in the aurducopter forum which 3DR should respond to.


      3DR needs to assign someone to that forum and answer questions... the community has been great  but if this is a commercial consumer product they need to...


      I have called 3DR on a few issues and phone support has been OK.. not stellar



  • A recall is an interesting idea, but I'd settle for a simple care package with new fasteners, something to fix the ESC, and improved documentation that helps users avoid common pitfalls and warns them about areas that need periodic checks/maintenance.

    FYI - The 3DR corporate folks seem more active over at this site:


    • What I meant with recall was the following:

      - 3DR has the e-Mail addresses of all direct customers and re-sellers. Send them an e-Mail and inform about the motor screws issues along with the information what is needed to fix this (8x Metric screw M3x10 + red loc-tite) and an instruction on how to fix it. That way people can head out to their local hardware store, get the pieces and fix the product themselves. Remember: IRIS is sold internationally and the two additional options below might not be good options for some customers. 

      - In the same E-Mail offer customers that you will send them a "care package" with the screws, loc-tite and instructions on how to fix it, free of charge. 3DR is already doing this today. But the difference is that they are reactive today. You need to call / e-mail support and ask for it. 

      - Offer customers that they can sent IRIS back free of charge and you will fix the quad for them. Some customers might not be technically inclined enough to perform the fix themselves. So let's help them out here as well. 

      Again, that would be my understanding of a "recall", which doesn't necessarily translate into "everything has to go back". Instead it's about making sure that the product is safe to operate. 

      As many other folks have already said it before: I love my IRIS and have only had one crash in about 100 flights, which was mostly my own fault. But nothing got damaged. Also it's great to see what 3DR has been doing and it's awesome to see how far Ardupilot has come over the last 1-2 years. 3DR's customer service is pretty good and we know that we are toying around with cutting edge technology. 
      At the same time there were obvious engineering mishaps (If IRIS would have been properly designed e.g. via CAD one would very quickly see that the motor screws are too short. Attaching the motors with only two screws to the frame instead of four is also a questionable engineering decision). Yet, all of that can be fixed / improved over time. 

      But 3DR, please don't make the mistake to go underground right after introducing a new product. Now is the time that you need to listen and communicate the most with your customers. A few dollars in screws and communication will save you a lot more dollars in disgruntled customers. 

    • 3D Robotics

      Christian: Great feedback. I agree on all counts. More proactive communications (including, as I mentioned, replacement screws going out to everyone with no need for a request), coming soon. 

    • Good to hear Chris, I've got many early IRIS customers.

    • Moderator

      Thanks for adding the official support forum JB3

  • Yes 3DR needs to publically address this ASAP.

    It will only be a matter of time otherwise when a bad crash happens and 3DR will get a bad name or will give the drone community a bad name

  • I would like more 3DR participation in their support forums.....
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