Accuracy of position in flight Iris+


I have a question about my Iris+.

Perhaps a member of 3DR could answer me.

Can you tell me the accuracy vertically and horizontaly in flight of the couple GPS-IMU?

Thanks for your reply!


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  • just fly it! The accuracy of the copter and the skill of the pilot are directly proportional to each other.


  • Horizontally I'd say it's accurate to within a meter. Sometimes worse, sometimes *maybe* better. Vertically it's hard to know because the Iris+ relies mostly on its barometer for relative altitude. So I haven't payed much attention to the altitude according to the GPS. I bet that if you looked at your logs in Mission Planner you could graph both GPS altitude and barometer output against each other.
    • Hi Erik,

      Thanks four your reply, i only wanted to know theoretical accuracy by the manufacturer 3DR.

      I don't know yet MP specially log files.



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