Hello IRIS family,
I wanted to d
a line and welcome myself to the forums. I am fairly new to DIY and Drones in general, but right out of the gate this is by far extremely fascinating. Being a computer engineer this is right up my ally, *tinkering*. I am wanting to see if anyone has come up with a FPV system for their 3DR IRIS? and if so, using what FPV system and mounts? Pictures/Videos would be greatly appreciated. I read else where that using the GoPro's Wifi feature was not really an option with the IRIS, has anyone else heard this? Thank you all in advance and I look forward to your replies.
Best Regards,
Hey everyone,
I came across the following on my travels through the interwebz while trying to find a suitable solution for FPV with the 3DR IRIS. Let me know if anyone has attempted this and if so, does it really work?
Hello James,
Thank you for the prompt response. I have been leaning more towards the 3DR's FPV-OSD kit, my only stipulation with that is possible interference? and mounting location. Let me know what you end up going with.
I have done some work and been looking at http://www.fatshark.com/ or maybe https://store.3drobotics.com/products/3dr-fpv-osd-kit