Broken TELEM port on Pixhawk

I recently tried installing the 3DR Bluetooth Data Link on my IRIS+ via the TELEM2 port. I was unsuccessful in getting MAVLink messages back via Bluetooth and went to switch that back to the FrSKY module. Upon removing the Bluetooth module the DF13 port on TELEM2 snapped off (I have attached a picture of the current state). Currently I have the 3DR radio connected to the TELEM 1 port and get info back in the Tower application but I would like to get the battery level, etc. on the controller again if possible. Does anyone have any suggestions for a path forward short of installing a new Pixhawk? I have seen mention of using the SERIAL4/5 port for MAVLink. Also, if there is a fairly easy mechanical/electrical repair I am open to that. Thanks in advance. 


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  • "OUCH" It can probably be repaired, "IF" you have eyes like a hawk, and very good at soldering. I'm so confused at the moment, from switching from APM to Pixhawk, to Naze, to Naza, my eyes are crossed. I have all these flying in different quads. However, I think there should be a way to get all the info you want, from the TELM 1 port

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