I am trying to add a discovery buzzer to my Iris+, it is a receiver type, I am very new to the hobby. I have done many searches to find out how. I don't understand. how to program the transmitter for the switch I want to use and the receiver channel I have it on.
If I could get some help I would be greatly appreciated
ok I changed RC3_REV to -1 and the throttle is now correct, which parameter is it for the pitch it is reversed also, I am looking in the wiki, trying to find stuff for the pitch.
off subject, how do I change my throttle around, right now it is backwards, I have to pull down to throttle up, How do I change that back to normal?
check RC3_REV is set to 1
ok I tried the 2 settings, and no sound, from the buzzer, also since I upgraded to the new version, my left stick is backwards, I have to pull down for throttle up, How do I change that back to normal? do you think it might need a BEC for the buzzer?
this page maybe more helpful http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/channel-7-and-8-options/