
I was flying my Iris+ today and it crashed. Someone looked at the log and said it potentially was a brownout. Anyone have any ideas?


Here are 2 clips that may help:

1) A weird drop in power I think

2) This happened a few seconds after first clip then ended up in the crash



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    • Thanks Dax. I will definitely get the bin file too. The flatline part interesting because the first clip I posted it looks like it was about to flatline drop then it caught itself but the second clip it didn't save itself. I am no expert but something happened in an environment I have filmed before. We weren't even that far from the quadcopter when this event happened. Either way I appreciate everyones help and hopefully I can resolve this because I would hate to be over the ocean and this happens. I will try to post in the other areas you suggested if I can find them.


    • Here is the .bin file if anyone is interested.


  • The logs show it was flying just fine and then suddenly it got abducted by the GPS which said you jumped from 10 meters to 108 meters in the air.  The copter basically shutdown trying to hold its altitude.  Never seen that before.

    I didn't think it used the GPS for Altitude and used just the Barometer but this proves me wrong.  This is one for the developers.

    I would fly a few more time in this area in STD(Alt Hold) mode and then check the logs for large changes in the GPS Altitude.  Maybe there's an alien object buried in the ground there somewhere.


    • Thanks Michael. I had flown there a few times before with no issues. I sent the logs to 3drobotics and hopefully they can explain the crash because I am out of service on this quadcopter with the crash right now. 

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