IRIS Loiter toilet bowling

After changing an arm and a motor my Iris has started toilet bowling in loiter mode. I performed the live compass cal several times. It comes up every time zero offsets.

Sometimes it will loiter with slight sideways drifting but if you yaw it right or left it will slide backwards and then start an increasingly wide counter clockwise circle. All other modes seem fine.

Any ideas? I hesitate to mess with tuning since it's never done this before and I haven't change any physical payload configs. Flying it right now with zero payload out of box config.


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  • Here's a log


    • Ok. Just tried again and it was perfect. I think I on to it. Randomly I can boot up the Pixhawk and get really poor GPS performance. Like 10 minutes without seeing any satellites. When if finally gets a green light the DOP will be 4 to 5 and the GPS failure alarm can come in several times during a stabilize flight. Loiter obviously sucks when this is going on (twitching, drifting, toiler bowl etc.)

      Reboots do not help. The next day all could be perfect with perfect hovering and flying.

      It's almost like my GPS is failing.


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