IRIS pitch issues

I took my IRIS out today after serveral flight sessions where the IRIS would pitch forward with my right stick untouched. I originally thought this was some kind of vibration issue as seems to be common, but after today I don't think that is the case. I've attached two logs from today and the vibrations seem to be fine. The pitch issues were constant throughout both flights.

Does anyone know why I might be having this issue? I noticed that when comparing DesYaw/Yaw and DesRoll/Roll, they track very well. But DesPitch/Pitch seem to have an offset in their track. 

Anyone able to shed some light on this? Or come up with things I can try?

2014-05-03 17-32-39.log

2014-05-03 17-48-35.log

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  • 3D Robotics

    Did you have a GoPro attached at the front? If so, you should you that config setting. 

    • Hi Chris, this was indeed with a GoPro on the front. Not sure where to tune that in the configs though.

    • Anyone know where this setting is? Would love to tweak it and get a test flight in today.

    • Im keen to know also. I had exactly same.

      Flies flat normally, then add the front GoPro and it leans least on lowish motor power.

      Sometimes flattens itself,

      Which parameter fiel do we use..I jsut see Iris and Iris+Gimbal (which would be a different COG again)

      Can a paramater file  Iris+FrontGoProMount be added to the defaults.



    • 3D Robotics

      One method that's a great way to trim your copter is AutoTrim. It's easy to do and works well. A good choice when you're moving the Center of Gravity around, such as adding or removing the GoPro. 

      If you want an even better tune, try AutoTune.

    • Chris - thanks.  I had a problem where the Iris would "oscillate" around the pitch axis with the gopro mounted on front, and I believe was inducing vibration in loiter and making it climb uncontrollably in that configuration.  I'll give this a try!

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