I've tried for weeks, but didn't find a solution.
A few months ago my Iris+ crashed without warning, 3DR sent me a new Pixhawk and with some other small bits I have everything back together again.
The only issue is, I don't have the original firmware, and APM 2.0 for mac does not allow me to load it. It just doesn't show up in the dropdown list. I can load a normal quad firmware file fine, but would rather have the Iris+ specific file as currently I don't have telemetry or follow me funtion with this firmware version. (I've tried the serial_2 setting, that didn't help either.)
So I have a way to load the file, but I don't have the actual file itself. 3DR cannot help me with this, they claim they don't have the file.
Is there a friendly Iris + user who can get me the file? Or is there a workaround? I don't have acces to any Windows PC's, I'm Mac only.
The parameters can be loaded from frame config view.
I can flash Arducopter 3.3.3 to pixhawk without a problem, I've done this a few time already. But I cannot load the parameter file, there isn't one to select from the list.
Nothing happens when I press refresh or download in this screen, I know the Iris+ parameters are supposed to be in there. I could load them from the "Full parameter list " screen, if only I had the file. I see you can also save the file there, so another Iris+ owner could do this and I would be set.
Thanks for the reply.
Schermafbeelding 2016-07-06 om 11.04.43.png
Schermafbeelding 2016-07-06 om 11.10.05.png