Kokam LiPo

Here's the specs for the "Li-Po Power Pack" that comes with the Iris.

  • 3500mAh
  • 30C
  • 105 Amp, Max Continuous Current
  • 259 grams
  • L136 W43 T21

Now look at the "Kokam SLPB8643128H5"

  • 3600mAh
  • 30C
  • 108 Amp, Max Continuous Current
  • 101 grams
  • L129 W43 T8.8

More power, smaller dimensions, and less than half the weight. Kokam makes the batteries for Solar Impulse (full sized solar powered airplane)

If anyone knows who sells Kokam batteries in a form we can connect to the Iris, please share!


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  • Well, I found a few Kokam SLPB (Superior Lithium Polymer Battery) suppliers online and managed to get more detailed specs.


    These are individual cells at 3.7v each.  Which means you need 3 in series to get to 11.1v.  The one in the hyperlink is 3200mAh, and if you put 3 together the pack would weigh approx 252 grams.  So, I'm really not sure what's so superior about them at this point...  Someone please tell me if I've missed something in my research...


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