Results of an Iris to Iris+ upgrade

I had the original consumer version of Iris purchased in January 2014. As Iris owners most of you know that this version had numerous disappointments with the most severe being it’s inability to safely carry a camera and gimbal.

After struggling for several months with the issues caused by the compass/GPS being too close to or touching the Pixhawk I put a mast on it, put the legs and gimbal in long term storage and since then have have well over 120 very reliable and successful flights running 3.1.4. Absolutely zero unexpected behavior.
This past week I installed the Iris+ upgrade but left 3.1.4 as the firmware version. Basically it’s lighter arms, lighter long legs and a different motor / prop combination. Oh, and the battery that comes with the kit is the bomb. I have never seen a 3S Lipo with so much energy in such a small package. I going to order a few more. 
As promised by 3DR the new setup can reliably carry the gimbal and camera with adequate power. It pulls less current than the original setup and has adequate power down to about 10.6 volts. It performs exactly the way the original Iris was advertised to perform.
I’ve only had a few fights so far but even without the gimbal, camera and legs my first impressions is that it doesn’t handle the wind as well as the larger props did but in some ways I expected that. Other than that, all was good.
Yesterday I took the plunge and upgraded to 3.2. I used the tuning settings provided in MP. Test flight was stock/no payload. Altitude control is terrible. It would hover a few meters off the ground for a while and then start descending on it’s own all the way to the ground in loiter or alt hold. I have never had to work so hard to keep a hover test in the air. It was a windy day and I will do some tuning and testing. I just need to find the right settings. Today I plan to load the tuning settings from my original Iris setup. And yes, I did all of the calibrations.
I also saw some strange yaw issues. It would randomly just quickly adjust the yaw about 10 degrees left and lock in. I would move it back and then at some random timing it would do it again.
If other people or happy with 3.2 then I’m sure I’ll figure it out or go back to 3.1.4 which is extremely solid.
About 3.2 - supposedly you can download non-corrupted log files with MP. When I try to download them I get the error “cannot get log list”. Can’t find anything solid on this in the searches. Anyone have any ideas?
One thing I was looking forward to with 3.2 was being able to download flash logs. I’m really tired of pulling the cover to get the card out.
If any of you are on the bubble about the upgrade kit, my advice is to go for it. I know that makes your Iris cost $200 more but it’s much cheaper than starting over with a different bird. Gives me something to fly while waiting on parts for other projects:)

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