VTX Interference

I would like some feedback on my method for installing an Immersionrc 600mw 5.8GHz VTX on my Iris.

My concern is that installing it so close to the Pixhawk and Receiver that it may cause enough noise to either shorten the control range, or cause interference/noise in the Pixhawk sensors which could cause big trouble.

Please take a look at my install and give me your thoughts.

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    • How do you mount your camera? Do you have a gimbal? I'm trying to figure out how to mount a jello free Mobius without the long legs.

  • Hi

    I am not able to view your attachment, I have successfully mounted a 250mw 5.8 VTX in the back of the IRIS other side from the telemetry radio. This working just fine, but you are correct to make sure there is enough space from between the antennas. Where I found the biggest problem is the 5.8 VTX antenna is to close to the GPS antenna. Maybe the best answer to your question is to tell you how to test befor flying. The best way to test this is to power everything up (DO NOT ARM) and then range test your RC (this can be done if you have a lap top with the USB telemetry radio plugged in, put the RC TX in range test mode and walk away from IRIS changing the flight mode switch you should hear the mode change on the lap top). Also note the number of Sat for GPS. Now power off the VTX and repeat there should not be much difference if there is move the VTX to a different location. This kind of testing will test the all radio/antenna systems together. One addtional test I do is walk far enough or turn off your RC TX you should hear the flight mode change to RTL. This is alway a good test to see if FS is set up correctly.

    Good Luck, and Good Flying!

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