
Hey all,

We mentioned this at the last meet and spoke about it briefly here but here's the formal thread about the third meet-up.  This meet is building on what we did last time to include photography and or FPV!  So if you're game, set a mission (lawn mower grid perhaps) and practice being an aerial photographer.

The actual location hasn't been set yet, but hopefully we can sort that out relatively soon.

So if you're keen to come, let us know.  If you have a great idea for an area that is beautiful and suitable for us to fly around also please let us know.

Regarding the time, happy to make it a bit earlier to catch the sunrise (the rower blood in me is coming out). (:

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  • Moderator

    Hey guys,

    Here's some footage of Byron yesterday at the third group meet down at Williamstown North.  Despite the very gusty conditions (wind was between 20-32km/h), Byron did a great job of keeping it controlled.  I will be putting a 'best off' video from the morning (and keeping it under 5 minutes), but I thought that Byron would appreciate the extra footage. (:  And of course, just let me know if you'd like it removed from Vimeo.

  • Have a good session fellas.  I won't be a starter for this one.

    ...... domestic obligations......


  • Moderator

    So guys, looks like we have a time and spot. 8:30am at Williamstown North (Google Maps link).  Hope to see many of you there.

    And Tim, I hope you get all the packing done in time!! (:

  • Moderator

    Hey guys - it's been awfully quiet in this thread.  Are people still keen to catch up and have a fly?  If pictures aren't your thing, just come along and meet other people, see how things are progressing and just enjoy getting out and about.

    I gave the 2.9.1 software a good thrashing last week and was very impressed with how it was handling.  Have some tweaks to make but would be keen to do another auto mission or two and perhaps participate in the cube challenge.

  • Speaking of rowing, a good visual spot would be next to the rowing sheds on the Yarra in the city. That is if you are willing to risk your quad going into the drink! You could get some rowing action shots while you are at it!
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