I hope I am not repeating here but searches have turned up nothing for me. For two months I have had a great time but I flipped my iris+ preparing for a takeoff and now the bird seems stuck on the mission that was loaded at the time. I took a look and see no physical damage either in or outside. It still flies fine in the std and loiter modes.
I tried again a couple days later with a new mission loaded (waypoints received) and still it wants to fly to the old mission location.
I am hoping someone here can either help directly or send me in the right direction. I am a complete new guy to this hobby and still have much to learn.
Thanks, Bill
Ok. I think this is resolved. I do know what the EEPROM is now and very glad I didn't have to do more. I had not used Mission Planner before but got connected and loaded up a zero waypoint mission. During a quick test flight I switched to auto and the craft stayed in place so MP apparently over-wrote the old mission. I haven't had a chance to fly a mission yet because of where I live but will soon and hopefully all is well.