I have issue with my new build Quadrocopter - at the end of "time" test - it has crashed.
The Multirotor was in Loiter mode since the begining of the test. While flying the copter was keeping position wery well - even while 360 rotation.
Suddenly (@ 22 min) has crashed.
I was testing my quadrocopter while 13m/s wind (pushing to ground) and "RTL or land" was enabled @ 12.8 V.
While the battery V was 12,5 V the drone starts loosing Alt and received 30 degree list to right - then RTL enabled but it was not able to pick up...
1. Why does the RTL started @ 12.5 V ?
2. Which information I need to check in log-s ?
3. Do You thing that battery V was to low and wind (13m/s - pushing to the ground) was to strong for remaining V to maintain position ?
4. Could You advice where I can find explanation of all shortscuts which are in log file ? I cannot understand some.
5. While beeing in Loiter can I check the CH 1,2,3 & 4 output (manual) ? I need to check If I by mistake have lowered the throttle...
Please find attached log file (I have cut the begining due to to heavy file) and Auto Analysis log created by MissionPlanner
Thanks a lot ! :)
Hi Wojtek
In your log I can see that the FS Voltage is set to 13 volts, for a 4S battery it should be set at list to 14 volts.
Did you configure the power module to reed the correct voltage?
See http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-power-module-configuration-....
At the beginning of flight there is a suddenly voltage drop from 15.8 to 13.8 volts, can't explain that, looks like the battery lost one of the cells.
voltage drop.png
Hi Antonio,
14 Volts - I will set this value - thanks for advice.
Sudden voltage drop was is because I have cut the log file (middle part) because It weight was 66 MB originally.
Your png file is awesome - How You made graph for current Vlotage & Capacity and...
13.2 V is minimum for stabilize mode, 13,9 V minimum for Alt Hold and 14,8 V minimum for Loiter ?
I was in Loiter @ 13V - You think it was the issue ?
Correct voltage & power module,Yes I have set it but Mission Planner is not saving the "sensor : Power Module" it is changing to "sensor: Other" after closing and reopening Battery subpage
One more concerning Voltage. I have Taranis X9D Plus and I cannot see the current reading form the pixhawk - I donot know why. That is why I have module connected to smart port of receiver to see current V.
The "Taranis telemetry" V is diffrent from Mission Planner V - which value shall I trust on ? The Taranis V value is higher from Mission Planner value.
Thanks ! :)
Looks like you lost thrust where motor number 3 was.
Common causes are:
- motor seizing up
- ESC blowing up
- prop failure of some description
- bullet connector coming loose
1. Why does the RTL started @ 12.5 V ?
Hello, Could be your failsafe settings are set to high.
Post your log and other people can check too.
Please find attached to my 1st post files - LogAnalysis & log .