Ground station tablet requirements?

I got a Solo last week and took it out for its maiden flight on Friday.  To my chagrin, the tablet mount doesn't fit a full size iPad.  But I flew it anyway.  Love it.  Big fun.

Now, I had a Galaxy Tab 3 sitting on the shelf gathering dust so I decided to try that as the display device.  I was able to install the Solo app after updating the firmware on the Tab 3.  I took it out for a flight today and discovered that the video update rate was so slow as to be unusable.  I knew I would run into things so clearly this tablet isn't up the the job.  But my iPad Air works fine.  So, the question is what are the minimum specs for an Android tablet to get decent video performance?  I'd rather spend money on an iPad Mini but I'm reluctant to do that without alternative ground station software e.g. Tower.  Thoughts?

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