We are trying out a new type of tracking system. This ones optical! And falls back to GPS if it looses it's target. Then it automatically reacquires an optical track if it "sees" the target again.
What we want to use this for is mainly antenna tracking on a simpler mount that is easy to use in the field and inexpensive.
We are testing out a 2.4 Ghz setup with this tracker (rather than our BIG tracker with three antennas at mission control) We are hoping to maintain a ethernet bridge with our target.
Here is the mount for the test setup a Tasco Guidestar GOTO telescope mount. This mount is the same as the original NexStar GT mount.
The software we are trying out is OpticTracker one of our new sponsors and we are working with them in hopes of getting this to work! http://www.optictracker.com/Home.html So we will be letting you know how it turns out!
Monroe, what are the communications protocols between the PC and tracker? Could this be done with a servo based tracker?