Develop standard, re-usable inexpensive solutions for IP-enabled always-on UAVs over cellular IP networks such as GPRS, 3G, 4G etc.
Primary goal: Telemetry over low cost cellular [achieved in testing]
Secondary goal: Bi-directional GCS/Telemetry over cellular IP [achieved in testing]
Tertiary goal: High speed IP for streaming IP video over cellular 3G/4G
STATUS: Bi-directional telemetry over cellular IP (UDP or TCP) is now working. It has been flown successfully while logging live telemetry to a GCS at home, several miles away [distance is really unlimited]. Currently working on improving code, more testing and broader hardware support.
I'm planning on a similar setup but with an USB cam instead of GoPro. How did you get the Cotton Candy? I tried pre-ordering but haven't heard anything so I'm waiting until end of June for a Raspberry Pi.
Hi all
I am collecting hardware now for my IP based system. The plan is as follows:
I use a 3g WLAN-router Huawei E586 and connect the APM2 to this via a RS232 to WIFI (SerialIO device ) device for telemetry. At my GCS i use com0com/hub4com to get the serial data from IP to a virtual serial port. I will also have an onboard Linux computer. I will use my GoPro Hero2 camera and connect this to the linux via a USB video capture device, downgrade the video bitrate and resolution with VLC for Linux and stream this video to my GCS. This will make the video stream less bandwitdh and cost demanding, but still have the full resolution video inside my cam. The video window in APM planner is small enough to view the low resolution video from VLC. The videostream from Linux/VLC is input to APM planner via vCam.
With this system i will have both telemetry and video(no sound) via 3g and "unlimited" range. I will get back to you when everything is in house and connected :)
I have successfully flown my quadrotor over 3g internet via on-board computer. Soon to be 4g internet. Custom ground station thanks to Cameron Lattz. Full HD video stream and full Mavlink telemetry. More info in future posts soon.
New cellular_modem library, v0.5 ready for testing. The library now supports both APM1 and APM2 hardware, on both ArduCopter and ArduPlane (can be trivially added to Boat or Rover too).
Instructions and code here:
Detailed instructions for testing a GSM modem (eg dronecell) with the new Cellular Modem telemetry library have been posted here:
Update: Have cellular modem working, both TCP/UDP.
more details here
No not yet, I just red about it at and I thought sharing
That module would work. Are you building one?
They nailed it ! right on !!
I need volunteer beta testers for the DroneCell code. If you have a dronecell and are willing to help me test code, let me know.
No experience needed - in fact I want to see what happens with the code if used by "regular" Ardupilot users who are not IP savvy. After all, it should be as "plug and play" as the Xbee, that's a stated goal.
Anyone? See here: