service manager error and license activation

i flew a mission and changed batteries and shutdown my laptop.

When i started up UGCS again i would get the error message

'ugcs server process stopped unexpectedly' and it would not connect.


i sent the next hour and a half uninstalling/reinstalling and power cycling the laptop. After many attempts i eventually was able to open the program, but then i had alerts because it wasnt activated.


When i enter my activation code for my pro license i am told that 'sorry an error code during the license activation. all activations for the specified license code have already been used'.


I couldn't finish my work and had to travel home having lost another day. Not happy :(


Please could someone connect to my computer remotely to look into this? I cannot use the program and am losing money again so its quite urgent please. Thanks





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  • Hi, I'm very sorry for that. It seems that your laptop was not finished shutdown properly and UgCS database was corrupted.
    Please send message to To reset activations counter for your license please send your license code in message.

    As I understand now you need to activate UgCS?

    If you saved your old corrupted database and need to restore data from it it's also possible (in most cases).

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