A group for those of us with the X-UAV Talon and Mini-Talon

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  • I just bought one...and waiting for Gary to share his magic secrets :-)

  • Yip will do. I will make sure we post all aspects regarding this plane. I cannot wait for the wing extensions, I have ordered some for Gary as well so he can work his magic.

  • Moderator

    Make sure he grabs some video of it and post it here. (:

  • I am going this weekend to visit Gary and see the magic he has done with the Talon.

  • Moderator

    Hey nice Gary, I never knew! (:  I have both a Talon and Mini-Talon, should have the Mini Talon up and flying this weekend! (:

  • Moderator

    I've got one and I like it! Little bit fast on the approach I fly it on windy days to reduce the groundspeed. I'm up high and its hot though. My personal MAUW 2.4kg CG on the wires.

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auto grid mission with my talon

Hi friends,Can anyone help my to fix this problem regarding strange and unuseful turns on grid mode (just turns on South part) versus the northern that seem to be fine?thank you.The plane ia a TALON with extended wings. L1 NAV 15, dumping 0,80.

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3 Replies

Pixhawk Mini and Spektrum Controller

Hi friends,I'm currently trying to integrate a pixhawk into my XUAV talon that I have built for aerial photography. This is going to be my first time using a pixhawk on a plan rather than a copter drone so I'm a bit lost. First, I noticed that in qgroundcontrol when setting up my pixhawk, there is no profile for the talon's v-tail design, is there a guide on here or someone who would be able to help me download or setup a profile in qgroundcontrol that would be appropriate for the talon?Second,…

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X-UAV Build

Hi all,I'm looking for an airframe that will ultimately be aimed at mapping/orthomosaic type projects and the Talon is one we are certainly interested in.I know this has probably been asked 100 times, but does anyone have any information or could point me to links of existing threads that outline a good build and components that work well with the talon.I'm in Australia so pretty sure there won't be much available here in country so will be looking abroad to build the kit.Are the wing…

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Quadcopter with Saitek Joystick X56 + Scherrer Tx700 Pro + Rx700 LR +PSU

Hellocan Someone help to connect Saitek Joystick X56 + Scherrer Tx700 Pro + Rx700 LR +PSUin order to fly a quadcopter ?And if it is impossibleHow to connect the TX700 Pro and the Quanum V52 Ground Control System, please? https://hobbyking.com/en_us/winbox-ground-control-system-v52.html https://hobbyking.com/en_us/rx700lr-psu-reseller.html https://hobbyking.com/en_us/tx700-pro-reseller.htmlThanks

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