



Aberdeen City

About Me:

I'm PhD student at University of Aberdeen doing LiDAR study for assessment of forest structure.

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

I'm so interested on UAV LiDAR because it can give us an alternative to very expensive and "permission to fly demanding" airborne lidar. It's also cool and challenging in same time..


Membakut, Sabah, Malaysia

Activity Feed

Abdullah Ghani commented on keeyen pang's blog post Remote sensing with UAV for biomass estimation
"Hi keeyen,

Wow..good, I hope my locations of interest are within your rgb data. I know Dr.Tan, I hope she still can manage to derive the LiDAR data. They need some kind of permission to fly. Thanks for your email. I will contact you via it...and…"
Aug 28, 2013
Abdullah Ghani commented on keeyen pang's blog post Remote sensing with UAV for biomass estimation
"Hi keeyen,
Do you think that you can fly it into some part in the middle of Sepilok Forest Reserve? I'm interested to know of your drone capability to derive LiDAR Data in some part of Sandstone hill area in SFR."
Aug 27, 2013
Abdullah Ghani commented on keeyen pang's blog post Remote sensing with UAV for biomass estimation
"Wow amazing, Hi..Keeyan, you do a great job. How long it can stay on air?"
Aug 26, 2013