Adam Barrow's Posts (1)

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UDB Waypoint editor


I've just added a new tool to both the SVN repository and the project downloads. It's a simple web page that you can download and use to graphically edit waypoints using Google Maps. A few of us have been using the alpha version for the last couple of months and felt it was ready to share with a wider audience.

You can download the file from the project's featured downloads, udb_waypoints.html or from SVN in the newly created "waypoint_editor" folder under the tools folder. Either way, save the file on your local machine somewhere and then open it with your favorite web browser. From there, you can choose to copy in your own waypoints file, or start with the sample waypoints pattern provided.

Modifying waypoints is pretty simple, either click on an empty space on the map to add a new waypoint, or click on an existing waypoint to edit it. Waypoints can have any of the supported flags assigned to them, set their altitude individually, and have their camera view point set individually. This version of the tool supports both absolute and relative waypoints. When the home waypoint (with the center dot on it) is moved, the tool will try to save your home location as a cookie (or using local storage if your browser is HTML 5 compliant) and restore it the next time you load the page. If you are using the relatively new "FIXED_ORIGIN_LOCATION" option in your waypoints, the tool will automatically use that as your home location.

As with almost everything in this project, your feedback is greatly appreciated!

Adam Barrow

Update August 25th: Sorry for the confusion with the first version -- I've uploaded version 1.4.1 (check the title of the page to see what version you have) that should work much better. It has been updated to use Google Maps API v3 (v2 seems to be broken for some newer browsers) and I also fixed some issues with cross-browser cookie handling. Thanks again for all your feedback. Please let me know either here or on the UAVdevboard mailing list if you have any other feedback.
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