I am trying to send custom status text to my SITL application(it is standard simulation basen od sim_vehicle.py)I am tryging to send simple message from pymavlink to MAVProxy command window.autopilot.mav.statustext_send(6, 'D06DDDDDDDDDDDDD',…
Hello, I would like to change transmission rate of few messages. For start i would like to turn off sending RAW_IMUIn ardupilotmega.py there is codedef request_data_stream_send(self, target_system, target_component, req_stream_id, req_message_rate,…
Hello, I am trying to run simple SITL and read mavlink data.I run SITL usingsudo python sim_vehicle.py -v ArduCopter -m "--mav20" -f hexa --console --map -L WIPBthe -m argument is for extra MAVproxy argumentss. Simulation starts to work, and…
Hello,I would like to ask where can I find lua library to communicate by MAVlink.In python2.X it can me easy made using pymavlink.I found that i can generate some lua code using mavgenerate.py but as i can see it is some kind of wireshark plugin?I…
"Can someone please explain to me why the data from the magnetometer always are caused by the form of "... mz)"?
Once Z axis is directed down, once up?
It seems to me that in one case the axle should be negated?"
Hello!All the time I have problem which Madgwick filter.I have problem which axes and function update argumentsMPU-9250 MadgwickQuaternionUpdate(ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz, my, mx,…
I have the following problem. I'm trying to implement a filter Mahony / Madgwick used to estimate the orientation of the object.STM32F401 processor which the accelerometer / magnetometer LIS303DLHC and gyroscope L3GD20.My evaluation boardstm32f401…